This is going to be a bumper harvest year for the farmers with a wonderful mixture of sun and rain at just the right times to allow the crops flourish.
However, this has been a most extraordinary summer with virtually no circles compared to other years. Several have appeared in Hampshire where they made their comeback in the early 70s, 80s and 90s. They have predominantly appeared close to ancient sites such as Iron Age Hill Forts. Such sacred places have always attracted the circles, being located on the energy lines crossover points.
I am attaching two circles that have arrived in Hampshire since last writing.
Another problem has been that apart from two circles, entry has not been allowed. Here I think we need to understand that the crops lie on private land and are the farmers’ livelihood, no matter how annoying it may be to us. Sadly some people go in regardless with the result that if the farmer sees them, he will cut the circle out. As you can imagine, this situation has created a problem with my tours for the first time in over 20 years therefore I was not surprised to receive a few cancellations. However, many people have never visited special areas of sacred sites in Wiltshire and I took two lovely tours which were much enjoyed by everyone. All these places are situated uniquely in this ancient landscape and as we walked this venerable soil we were treading the footsteps of our forefathers.
We started by going up Waden Hill from whence we could see Silbury Hill below us; also a fantastically panoramic view revealed itself of that part of sacred Wiltshire. It was a gentle climb and worth every drop of our energy. Wild flowers abounded and the peace was amazing.
We then walked to the remarkable stone complex of Avebury, very close by. We wandered among the magnificent stones and I taught many people how to dowse. We could have stayed much longer but we were already late for our lunch booking at a local pub. Whilst we were at Avebury, we discussed how important it was to give energy back to the stones. Many have been depleted by people unwittingly draining and taking their energy. They are receivers and transmitters but some have little original energy left and need us to replenish it. You can do this by focusing your energy of Love using your rods as a focussing agent or simply directing your healing love from your third eye located in between your eyes.
Avebury is a most uniquely special stone complex; the only inhabited one in the world and as the antiquarian 17th century historian William Stukley wrote ‘If Stonehenge is a Church, Avebury is a Cathedral.’.
A member of my group, Stephan Gaude very kindly sent me the two images below. If you zoom into the first Avebury image, at the top right there is a small unidentified circular silver object. Whereas the mark at the top on the second image of West Kennet Avenue* is most likely a bumble bee or some flying insect.
* The avenue leading to Avebury often known as the Avebury Avenue or just The Avenue.
After lunch we visited the exceptionally fine crop circle exhibition at Honeystreet. You may be interested to know that, just as when you are inside a circle and absorbing the vibrations, so images also emit vibrations, and I have many reports of people having been thus affected.
Finally, we made our way up the hill to West Kennet Long Barrow, one of the very oldest in the UK dating back to 5000 years BC*. This is a very special place. It was sealed in 4000 BC and not reopened and all its rubble removed until the middle of the 19th century. Artefacts such as elaborately designed pottery, knives and flakes of flint, animal bones - and many skulls most of which showed signs of severe injuries - were found and carefully recorded by Dr John Thurnham who was medical assistant at the Devizes Asylum.
* I can thoroughly recommend Peter Knight’s book West Kennet Long Barrow, Landscape. Shamans and the Cosmos.
This was a wonderfully memorable day and we ended up with a private evening entry into the Stonehenge circle where we watched the sun set behind the giant sandstone megaliths, weathered harder than granite.
Before my next tour, I attended the Glastonbury symposium, the oldest continuous conference including crop circles dating back to 1991. Despite being tiring loading all ones goods, unloading them with wonderful help from kind people at Glastonbury and standing behind ones tables for three days, it is always a joy to see so many familiar faces coming back every year, wanting to buy my calendars and other exciting crop circle goods.
My new book was great favourite selling extremely well and my right hand became quite tired with signing! Anyone wanting to buy if from my website will have a signed copy unless they prefer otherwise. Please check it out on my website.
My Annual Scientific Research Day was held on the 17th of July and I will write a report in my Annual article when I have all the results in.
The second tour was held on the 1st August and fearing the worst I wrote to everyone a week beforehand to warn them that there were no accessible crop circles. However, the Gods were with us and a circle with most interesting lay appeared, and after eight hours researching and telephoning around to find the farmer and get his permission to go in, I was informed that entry was permitted. Wow, success at last. HOW MARVELLOUS!
It seemed a long way to drive from our meeting point at Silbury Hill, but it was worth every moment just to get inside and joy was had by all.
My next adventure was getting up at 3.40 am on Sunday in order to meet a charming American family in order to go into Stonehenge for our private early morning entry visit. This was the final stage to their world tour before heading home and included their two super children Oakley 13 and Lillian 11.
There was a most stunningly glorious sunrise as I was driving there, which unfortunately faded before we entered the stones - despite the early hour being up with the larks we were all wide awake and eager to see the magnificent megaliths; they were very special. Next we drove to the Clear Wood circle; only one other person was in the circle so early; she joined us and again it was very special being the first time the family had ever been inside a crop circle. I can remember the joy, elation and excitement of visiting my first ever crop circles, somehow it is gives one a special feeling and is like nothing one has never experienced before.
Despite the terrible weather forecast of torrential rain and winds over the next few days, I feel that we are still in for a momentous end to the season.
My love and all best wishes