Better Times Will Come – March 2020

No matter how bleak things may be at the moment worldwide, Spring is with us reminding us that new life is all around us. I went for a glorious walk earlier this week with a friend, and her rescue dog Billy from Cyprus. (This photograph was taken last year when the bluebells were out). The sun was shining and the birds were singing and you would never know that there were dreadful things happening elsewhere in the world. We also found wood anemones poking their shy and gentle white heads through the leaves, announcing their declaration of joy.

Wood Anemone
Wood Anemone

My clematis  armandii originally native to China and Burma, given to me by my sister, is also in full and glorious bloom and the birds are still feeding in preparation of raising their new families.

Clematis armandii
Clematis Armandii
Blue Tit
Blue Tit

On a slightly different note, it seems that quite a lot of people are not travelling!

Flying Solo!

In these worrying times, I thought I would include a message from a very special long-time friend. I realise it may not resonate with everyone, in which case please disregard it.

A Ray of Light
The world is being challenged at this moment by a wave of darkness that can either bring us up higher in the scheme of life or drag us down.

Sometimes humanity needs a wake up call. It is easy to be ignorant or unaware of who we actually are until something comes along to shake us out of our comfort zone.

This is the moment to truly understand how we were formed. Every single atom in the universe has been created by Divine Energy and we all have an individual consciousness and have been given the power to use it magnificently. Unfortunately, through ignorance and lack of spiritual awareness we join forces with the lower vibrations that surround us in this world. Consequently we feel disempowered and weakened by these conditions.

However our God given mind holds all the tools we need to feel empowered and healed. We are literally beings of light radiating this in some degree of frequency all the time. The greater the light the more it attracts a greater power and in that higher frequency the darkness is absorbed.

Now is the time to fill our bodies with the most powerful light imaginable. It is the only food we require to sustain and transform. We live in so many vibrations all at once which is why we feel strong one moment and weak the next, but once we have learned to harness this light and really feel its radiation we can infuse every cell of the body and also transmit it to others physically and mentally.

As soon as a negative word or thought is registered, immediately try and change it into something strong and beautiful. Fear is a negative force affecting every atom and cell of our bodies and banishing fear and transforming it into Light is truly instrumental in winning the battle.  We have to be diligent at all times. This is how we heal ourselves and the world. We are not useless, we are in control of how we think. It is our choice to be weak or strong so let us join the army of light that operates in the spirit world and become a force with which to be reckoned.  Let us feel empowered by positive thoughts and actions. For many this is a time when we can suddenly feel ourselves having a new purpose, in a way we never realised we were capable of having before: radiating the light and trying to be a source of strength and inspiration to all who come to us and the positive thoughts we send out to the Universe as a whole.

With my love and best wishes,