This is a pre Christmas email, as Christmas often seems to come upon us before we are ready and have not really got around to thinking about everything and all that it involves. One of the things that I often find the most difficult and illusive is trying to think of just the right present that is going to suit that special person. I have many unusual gift ideas which I do hope might just solve that dilemma. I will make a special reduction for my new and exciting book to last from the 15th November - 15th December: I am reducing it to £17.50 for that period.
My 2020 Crop Circle Calendar containing photographs of 2019 circles, is now available and it will make a wonderful Christmas gift, but please also look at the other fantastic gifts in my shop... which has two new items; a pendulum made from the blue stones from Presili mountains in Wales, identical to the famous blue stones found at Stonehenge. They carry a unique energetic quality.
Secondly, a lovely faceted crystal pendulum. Both are on chains with circular rings at the end to prevent them flying out of your hands if the energy is too strong (this happened to me once!)
My latest calendar 
New! Dowsing Pendulums Books My new book, The Energies of Crop Circles is now £17.50 
Calendars back to 2001 
...and more With my love and best wishes,