I am not sure how to communicate how I ‘feel inside’ without sounding heartless and callous.
Day after day, ever more and more horrific reports flood in, yet we get up every day to food, water and the other essentials in life, plus additional and readily available advantages and luxuries. It is impossible to fully understand the extremes of fear, hunger, dread, torture, cold, illness and sheer hopelessness that so many people are suffering particularly in the Middle East, also Ukraine and other parts of the world.
It seems while so many terrible events are happening, people are becoming hardened to the suffering of others. How I wish the world would wake up and see that enough was enough. When will the World leaders wake up to the sickening atrocities or the slow and painful death of a people by endless bombing and starving and the prevention of all the essentials needed for life to exist?
It is only when events reach such a stage of unspeakable horror that a realisation takes place: in physical terms such as when a boil reaches a certain point - it bursts releasing the poison and letting a cure take place.
Talking MUST start so that a lasting settlement can be found. An honest unbiased solution that can and will be recognised and agreed upon by both sides. I pray with all my heart that the international community can see that there has to be a solution. An acceptable solution. No matter how long it takes. Sometimes the hardest part is to get the ball rolling and to take the initiative, grasp the situation with both hands and make a start with the intention of finding a unilateral result - and not giving up until the process has succeeded.
As we approach 2024, I have a feeling of optimism, I feel that we WILL see a gradual improvement. There are times in our lives when not everything goes according to plan. First and foremost, I wish you a very happy and productive 2024. There is no doubt that we are living in tumultuous times. The media carries endless reports of desperate conditions in Ukraine and the Middle East as a whole.
It is easy to get drawn into feelings of despair and fear, not least feeling the pain of the daily dreadful suffering of all these horrors inflicted on helpless women and children on both sides. I hope that as events become increasingly severe and unstable, there might be a shift in thinking, resulting in the need to view this as a significant opportunity to sit down and talk. Using the power of speech rather than the power of deadly arms.
Some may see this as a forlorn formula, but it seems a possible reality to me. A time when the leaders realise that enough is enough. A time when people realise the futility of their actions and can discuss the future constructively. What a wonderful opportunity that could lead to a new and better understanding of the world in which we live.
The situation reminds me of the famous, haunting song written by Pete Seeger and sung by Marlena Dietrich ‘Where have all the young men gone?’
Marlene Dietrich: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (Live TV, 1963)
Oblivious to the outside turmoil, our hearts are raised by the actions of the natural world – slowly, snowdrops started poking their heads through the soil and are now out and in total abundance. In some warmer parts of the country, crocus and even the odd daffodil are making their annual appearance. This is always a time of great excitement as early Spring heralds the future of longer days and warmer times.
The goldfinches, long-tailed tits, robins, blue tits, coal tits and bullfinches etc, are all devouring the sunflower hearts I put out for them.
I will give you the dates for my 2024 crop circle tours.
The first tour is on Thursday, July 25th. This comes with a special private evening entry into Stonehenge. It allows you to enter the inner circle, go right up to the stones, and feel the energy radiating from them. This is an optional extra to the cost of the crop circle tour.
My second tour is on Thursday, August 1st. After visiting the circles, there is an optional extra of flying over the circles and the sacred places nearby, such as the unique Avebury stone complex, Silbury Hill, and West Kennet Long Barrow. This is very popular; people return with smiles stretching from ear to ear.
I am ever curious to know what wonders we will be given this year – this is the ‘teasing’ time of using our imaginations. Will there be a theme? Whatever, they always leave us guessing!
With my love and best wishes,
P.S. Please remember to check on my calendar and shop
Crop Circle Tour page on website
MNOZIL BRASS lonley boy
Mnozil Brass Band
Thoughts and Themes for 2024
Pam Gregory