Happy, happy New Year,
I wish you all the best.
Great work to reach your fondest goals
And when you have done, sweet rest.
I hope for you fulfilment
Contentment, peace and more
A brighter New Year than
You’ve ever had before.
With apologies to Joanna Fuchs
This has been a year few of us are likely to forget. A testing year, a year that has brought out the very best in so very many people. Like the front line workers of the medical world and other professions who have worked tirelessly with total dedication on our behalf, sometimes to their own detriment and loss. Others who have appeared on the scene to help, some unexpected, some even previously unknown who have inspired us with their show of strength and determination, demonstrating that we too can overcome the great hardships and difficulties that present themselves to us in difficult times. All over the world there have been heroes and heroines, and I am sure so many of us have our own personal ones. I could name so many, I would hardly know where to start - people who have come out of the woodwork bringing help when needed and others bringing joy and laughter.
I feel very positive about 2021; to me it has a completely different energy to it despite all the many dreadful cases of covid worldwide. It is a good energy, a strong and powerful energy as though it is urging us to be of good heart.
Another wonderful world has opened up for so many of us. A world we always knew existed but one to which we had only paid scant attention, but now means so much to us - the natural world, the glorious and heart inspiring song of the birds; the trees as their buds unfurl gently into leaves. The flowers awakening after their winter sleep, and the barley, wheat and oats, along with the trees, swaying gently in the breeze. The little insects in their micro world scurrying along the ground. The lakes, ponds and streams rippling; the water wildlife busy with their lives. Yet without the sky above us, the stars at night that seem to dance around (if you are lucky enough to see them clearly) and the light of the day, none of this amazing profusion of nature would exist to bring us such amazing joy. The joy of the wondrous autumn colours follow the summer, and finally the winter when nature wraps the bulbs and plants underground to keep snug and warm, the animals and birds grow extra fur or feathers and many trees lose their leaves ready and wait ready to burst forth in all their renewed glory when spring return and the earth wakes up again. Many people have seen this special and wonderful world around us with newly opened eyes and newly opened ears for us to hear the song of the Universe.

I am lucky and have a garden and wonderful vibrant countryside all around me, but there are many people who live in flats and tenements in towns. It must be so terrible for them not to be able to breathe the fresh country air and experience all the wonders. This link sent to me by a friend was so beautiful that despite being ones of the fortunate ones, I just loved it.
The year city-dwellers needed my photos of country life
Now we are welcoming in 2021 and after the difficulties and the unexpected hardships of 2020, I have an overwhelming feeling of positivity; not only have vaccines been scientifically and medically developed with amazing speed due to extraordinary hard work performed by the medical profession, they have been medically approved by the authorities. This is quite extraordinary and we owe all those involved a tremendous debt of gratitude as we are now in the starting blocks to change the whole history of the pandemic and get back to life as normal.
This has been an unusual Christmas for us all and for those many who spent Christmas alone. As the Queen told us, you were not alone and there are many better times to come with happiness and laughter.
The Nativity in Art
I have just been out in my garden and found these little shoots of snowdrops to come as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer. I am going to zoom in on one but you have to look quite closely to see them!

As the days grow longer, the days will get warmer, please remember to think about booking your places if you would like to join me on my summer crop circle tours. I know it may seem early days but both tours are already almost half full. To be out in the fields with the circles in that sacred part of the Isle of Albion is extra special after what we have all been through. They add a magical dimension to our lives. You will find the link on my website, and links to my 2021 calendar and other lovely items.
I know many people are interested in astrology so you like like to have a look at the below link
Before I finish I am going to include a bit of nonsense.

So many people have sent me wondrous videos and jokes. I pass them on and we have all had such fun.
I still have a few 2021 calendars left so please have a look at my web site where you find other special things as well.
Finally and on quite a different theme, I would like to end this letter by wishing you such a wonderful happy and blessed New Year 2021, with the quotation from ‘God Knows’ by Minnie Louise Haskins that George VI included in the 1939 Christmas broadcast to the nation.
‘God Knows'
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
My love and very best wishes,
My 2021 Crop Circle Calendar contains photographs of the 2020 circles. It will make a wonderful gift, but please also look at the others in my shop...

New! Dowsing Pendulums
Two new items - the first, a pendulum made of blue stone from the Presili mountains in Wales, which identical to the famous stones found at Stonehenge. Secondly, a lovely faceted crystal pendulum. Both carry a unique energetic quality and are on chains with circular rings at the end to prevent them flying out of your hands if their energy is too strong!

My most recent book, The Energies of Crop Circles


Calendars back to 2001

...and more
