Spring Forward – March 2021

The clocks went forward last night so we are officially in summer time. As my sons both live in different far away countries, Australia and Thailand, we have to recalculate the best times to talk. I am sure I am not alone in having our families in distant lands or families tantalisingly closer but still inaccessibly beyond our shores. The long separation will be all the more joyous we are all together again.

Spring is truly here in all its majesty and I am thrilled to welcome nesting blue tits. They live in the tiny crack where the boards are rotten going into my garage. It is hard to believe that they can get into such a tiny hole, but squeeze in they do. The birds were earlier bringing material for their nest but now all is quiet again so I presume the female is laying her clutch of eggs. Sadly there is no way of seeing inside, so I will just have to wait patiently and in about three weeks I hope to see the parent birds bringing food.

We have had a mixture of weather - a few quite heavy frosts amid several warm and balmy days with the result that the crops are still not ready for the crop circle Intelligence to visit us yet. In the past we have occasionally had a few oil seed rape (canola) circles resting gloriously among the vivid yellow flowers. Looking back on previous years there was the beautiful large ring with seven arcs spanning its centre on 23rd April 2007 at Oliver’s Castle, near Devises, Wiltshire.

The sixteen pointed 'sunburst' formation at Avebury, Wiltshire on 23rd April 2009.

And finally, in 2010, we had perhaps the most important and amazing Wilton Windmill formation that was discovered on 23rd May.

It could only be seen from the top of the windmill or from the air and the weekend during which it arrived, the windmill was closed. It was a complex circular formation of twelve segments, with eight concentric lines of differing length and number in each segment. It is a close approximation of Leonhard Euler's profound and beautiful equation - e^(hi)pi)1=0.

Oil seed rape (canola) is one of the easiest in which to determine whether it is man-made or not. It is a well-known fact that due to the crop having a hollow based stem, it snaps when bent at an angle of more than 40 degrees. As a result, it would not be possible to make the circle without breaking, snapping, crushing or bruising the crop as the images show.

A few days ago I took one of my special cameras out to make certain all was well and took a few pictures of the latest spring flowers.

Primroses                                                                                                Prunus

Celandine                                                          Spring Squill - I think?

I also read that by tradition, St Tiburtius’ Day (15th April) is the day when you might first hear the cuckoo. I have a love/hate relationship with the cuckoo. I hate the way it takes over the nests of smaller birds forcing the parents to work themselves into the ground trying to feed the rapidly growing greedy interloper fledgling as it sits squawking, growing bigger and still yet bigger, endlessly demanding food and yet more food. On the other hand, it is the sound of summer, warm long days and the sound of the bright new green leaves swaying gently on the trees. I did not hear one last year but to my surprise and joy, I heard one just a short while ago when sitting on a bench basking in the sun in my village! Like so many birds they travel long distances from Africa where they have been wintering. Many don’t survive the journey. There is no doubt that its numbers are diminishing and I am told that those who come from the south west via Spain to the UK often do not survive the journey due to the increasing droughts, which make it difficult for them to gain sufficient weight to survive. However, those that travel to Scotland and Wales take a different path via Italy where the food is more plentiful and so they arrive safely at their destinations.

But what of St Tiburtius? I cannot find much that is reliable, I regret.

The little we do know much about him is that he was one of three Saints Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus who “...as Christian martyrs who were buried on 14th April of some unspecified year in the Catacombs of Praetextatus on the Via Appia near Rome.

According to the legendary Acts of Saint Cecilia, a mid-fifth-century Acts of the Martyrs composition that has no historical value Valerian was the husband of Saint Cecilia, Tiburtius his brother, and Maximus, a soldier or official who was martyred with these two. The story was retold by Chaucer. Devotional publications make the story more credible by simplifying it”

Spring Equinox
The Spring Equinox arrived on the 21st / 22nd of March. Normally it heralds disturbed weather patterns over a period of a few days but this year, meteorologically, all was unusually quiet. However, the planets seemed to affect us as humans, bringing forth some temporary disharmony and unrest in the form of unruly demonstrations.
The word equinox comes from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). For our ancestors, whose timekeeping was less precise than ours, day and night likely did seem equal but in fact it is not strictly true as I am told that “There is more daylight than night time on the day of the equinox, an additional 8 or so minutes of daylight at mid-temperate latitudes.”

Equinox was also a time of celebration for our ancestors as the rhythm of the earth changed bringing renewed energy to the land as it warmed; their crops showed new growth and the world around them seemed to breath with joyous expectation.

As always I am including Pam Gregory’s latest video for all those interested in astrology.

Please remember to book your places on my tours before they both fill up.

I have reduced the price of my 2021 calendar to £8.00, and my Nine-fold Circuitous Crop Circle Montage jigsaw puzzle is back in stock.

What a wonderful world!

"May God grant you always…
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering Angel, so nothing can harm you,
Laughter to cheer you,
Faithful friends near you,
and whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you."

With my love and best wishes



The Snow Moon

As I start this letter to you, it is the first day of Spring meteorologically – what joy! Each month holds its own individual magic and March is no exception. We are told that March became the third month when January and February, which were added to the end of the Roman calendar around 700 BCE, instead became the first and second months around 450 BCE.
March was also named after Mars in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars.

March is also the month of new beginnings—an exciting month. According to Charles Dickens in Great Expectations “It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.”

Looking back to yesterday the 28th March we had a special event, the Snow Moon when it shines at its very brightest. It had special meaning for many ancient peoples and their customs.

February was a month for cleansing and purification. The Snow Moon marks the time when the animals begin to come out of hibernation. The Full Moon represented renewal, reanimation and seeing things in a new light.

Both my sons have the signal honour of being initiated Mohawks and they are inordinately proud of such a distinction, even though it led to problems with Cowboys and Indians at school when young!

I found a lovely ceremony on the Internet https://www.thegypsythread.org/full-snow-moon-2021/

“As February tends to be the snowiest month of the year, it’s no surprise that this month’s full moon is called the Full Snow Moon (peak time is February 27th, 1:17 AM, MST).  Full moon names come from Native American culture and most are derived from the state of the world around them at the time.  Some of the other names for this month’s moon are Bone Moon, which originates from the Cherokee nation, and tells a tale of hunger and starvation as people gnawed at the bones left from past meals.  Other similar names were the Hunger Moon and Famine Moon.  The Ojibwe call it the Sucker Fish Moon, based on the dependence on this type of fish to stave off hunger.

Not all tribes were located in cold areas and those tribes had a much different way of looking at the February moon.  The Hopi tribe, found mostly in the American Southwest, calls it the Moon of Purification or Moon of Renewal.  Other names include the Bear Moon, the Bald Eagle Moon, and Groundhog Moon.
Full Moon celebrations are focused on cleansing and clearing that which no longer serves us.  We burn away the remnants of yesterday under the powerful energy of the full moon – banishing those things from our lives forever.

Closing Ceremony of the Full Snow Moon Circle
Earth spirits, we offer our eternal thanks for joining us in our full snow moon circle.  Feed our minds with all things great and wonderful so that we may become better decision makers, better thinkers, and help us choose the path that will help us grow our insight into the world and the universe. We bid you farewell. (extinguish green candle)

Water spirits, our circle would not be complete without the solid foundations and lessons mutability we are taught daily.  As we leave tonight, guide each soul into staying the course, regardless of the challenges ahead, and never forget that the goal is complete understanding and dealing with things; eyes wide open.  We bid you farewell. (extinguish blue candle)

Fire spirits, without your presence in our circle, none of this could be possible, and we humbly give thanks for your cleansing flames.  We came tonight seeking renewal and through our ritual, have seen the way to clear our negativity and cleanse our spirits.  We bid you farewell. (extinguish red candle)

Air spirits, our gratitude is endless and we are forever indebted for the chance to start fresh and cleanse ourselves.  The cool night air reminds us that there are powerful forces in the universe that we cannot see, but we can feel.  Each time we feel the breeze, we are reminded that we alone hold the answers to many of our own questions and we alone decide who we share our time with.  We bid you farewell. (extinguish yellow candle)

Great Goddess, we thank you for your wisdom and love, for your guidance and comfort, and for your compassion and forgiveness.  At times, we find ourselves lost in the busy world around us, but even in that chaos, we know you are always keeping watch.  Thank you infinitely! (extinguish Goddess candle).

I am sure that I am not the only person with a feeling of great optimism regarding the future months; this has been a gruelling time for everyone and many precious lives have been lost. However the vaccination programme has exceeded expectations and the virus numbers are falling dramatically. In addition due to this unprecedented situation, medical science has shown significant advances that will stand us in good stead in the future. I believe that if we can hold on for a little longer, it seems as though we may be in for a really good summer.
However the entire world population also needs to benefit from vaccination in order to really control the pandemic.

How will we be as human beings when this virus is under control?

I like to think we will all be better people and see our fellow beings in a new and more considerate and loving manner, not least the wonderful world around us which has nurtured us during this time with its constant undemanding beauty and peace. It gives generously to us and maybe we should be more aware of this and so give back in return by nurturing it just as it has nurtured us. I, for one am forever grateful. Many birds are now singing joyfully, not just the robins who kept us going during the cold and shorter days.

Yesterday I woke to the most glorious sunrise – what a wonderful start to the day!

I have taken a few pictures of what is happening in my garden. When thinking about crocus, I immediately think of the wonderful yellow spice saffron and I was interested to read that it comes from the autumn crocus. There are several myths about Crocus, in one he was said to be a companion of Hermes and was accidentally killed by the god in a game of discus. Hermes was so distraught at this that he and Chloris transformed Crocus’ body into a flower.

Just as nature inspires us, so have many previously unheard of people and in particular, I pay tribute to Colonel, Sir Tom Moore. He was conscripted in the 8th battalion; Duke of Wellington’s Regiment and later became a member of the Royal Armoured Corps.

He had a fine war time service record in the 2nd World War serving in India and as part of Fourteenth Army, called the ‘Forgotten Army’ he served in Burma.

What started out as a challenge by his family to raise £1 for every time he walked the length of his garden in front of his house, suddenly escalated and when he died he had raised over £38 million for the NHS, inspired people for all over the world and spurred many other wonderful people to achieve heroic feats for charity.

He was buried yesterday – the 28th February – with full military honours and will be sorely missed. However what he achieved will remain as an incentive to so many people to continue to perform  wonderful feats of courage and determination beyond what they previously believed they could. We celebrate his life, his courage, humility and humour.

You may remember the previous impressive video produced by Professor Emeritus Jerry Kroth regarding the above crop circle that appeared at Potterne Field, near Devizes, Wiltshire on the 28th May.

I am now sending you Jerry Kroth’s latest video about another circle that also appeared at Potterne Field on the 4th August 2020, less than two miles from the first.
It is called “The second Covid-19 crop circle”

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuBGiqRBv6Y[/embedyt]

Some jokes…

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSSoYmQS6Ng[/embedyt]

A 65 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital.
While on the operating table she had a near death experience…

Seeing God, she asked “Is my time up?”
God said, “No, you have another 33 years, 2 months and 8 days to live.”

Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction, breast implants and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and change her hair colour and brighten her teeth! Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it. After her last operation, she was released from the hospital.

While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance.

Arriving in front of God, she demanded, “I thought you said I had another 33 years? Why didn’t you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?”
(You’ll love this)
God replied:
“I didn’t recognize you!!!!!”?  

As usual, I am attaching Pam Gregory’s February astrological forecast.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DPirlD0K0k[/embedyt]

Just in case you would like to book for either of my crop circle tours, please don’t delay as both are getting heavily booked already. The bookings are coming in faster than ever before. After being cooped up and restricted, the joy and excitement of visiting the circles in the magical and sacred area of Wiltshire has enormous appeal and last year was one of the most joyous and special ever.


Welcome 2021 – January 2012

Happy, happy New Year,
I wish you all the best.
Great work to reach your fondest goals
And when you have done, sweet rest.

I hope for you fulfilment
Contentment, peace and more
A brighter New Year than
You’ve ever had before.

With apologies to Joanna Fuchs

This has been a year few of us are likely to forget. A testing year, a year that has brought out the very best in so very many people. Like the front line workers of the medical world and other professions who have worked tirelessly with total dedication on our behalf, sometimes to their own detriment and loss. Others who have appeared on the scene to help, some unexpected, some even previously unknown who have inspired us with their show of strength and determination, demonstrating that we too can overcome the great hardships and difficulties that present themselves to us in difficult times. All over the world there have been heroes and heroines, and I am sure so many of us have our own personal ones. I could name so many, I would hardly know where to start - people who have come out of the woodwork bringing help when needed and others bringing joy and laughter.

I feel very positive about 2021; to me it has a completely different energy to it despite all the many dreadful cases of covid worldwide. It is a good energy, a strong and powerful energy as though it is urging us to be of good heart.

Another wonderful world has opened up for so many of us. A world we always knew existed but one to which we had only paid scant attention, but now means so much to us - the natural world, the glorious and heart inspiring song of the birds; the trees as their buds unfurl gently into leaves. The flowers awakening after their winter sleep, and the barley, wheat and oats, along with the trees, swaying gently in the breeze. The little insects in their micro world scurrying along the ground. The lakes, ponds and streams rippling; the water wildlife busy with their lives. Yet without the sky above us, the stars at night that seem to dance around (if you are lucky enough to see them clearly) and the light of the day, none of this amazing profusion of nature would exist to bring us such amazing joy. The joy of the wondrous autumn colours follow the summer, and finally the winter when nature wraps the bulbs and plants underground to keep snug and warm, the animals and birds grow extra fur or feathers and many trees lose their leaves ready and wait ready to burst forth in all their renewed glory when spring return and the earth wakes up again.  Many people have seen this special and wonderful world around us with newly opened eyes and newly opened ears for us to hear the song of the Universe.

I am lucky and have a garden and wonderful vibrant countryside all around me, but there are many people who live in flats and tenements in towns. It must be so terrible for them not to be able to breathe the fresh country air and experience all the wonders.  This link sent to me by a friend was so beautiful that despite being ones of the fortunate ones, I just loved it.
The year city-dwellers needed my photos of country life

Now we are welcoming in 2021 and after the difficulties and the unexpected hardships of 2020, I have an overwhelming feeling of positivity; not only have vaccines been scientifically and medically developed with amazing speed due to extraordinary hard work performed by the medical profession, they have been medically approved by the authorities. This is quite extraordinary and we owe all those involved a tremendous debt of gratitude as we are now in the starting blocks to change the whole history of the pandemic and get back to life as normal.

This has been an unusual Christmas for us all and for those many who spent Christmas alone. As the Queen told us, you were not alone and there are many better times to come with happiness and laughter.
The Nativity in Art 

I have just been out in my garden and found these little shoots of snowdrops to come as soon as the weather gets a bit warmer. I am going to zoom in on one but you have to look quite closely to see them!

As the days grow longer, the days will get warmer, please remember to think about booking your places if you would like to join me on my summer crop circle tours. I know it may seem early days but both tours are already almost half full. To be out in the fields with the circles in that sacred part of the Isle of Albion is extra special after what we have all been through. They add a magical dimension to our lives. You will find the link on my website, and links to my 2021 calendar and other lovely items.
I know many people are interested in astrology so you like like to have a look at the below link

Before I finish I am going to include a bit of nonsense.

So many people have sent me wondrous videos and jokes. I pass them on and we have all had such fun.

I still have a few 2021 calendars left so please have a look at my web site where you find other special things as well.

Finally and on quite a different theme, I would like to end this letter by wishing you such a wonderful happy and blessed New Year 2021, with the quotation from ‘God Knows’ by Minnie Louise Haskins that George VI included in the 1939 Christmas broadcast to the nation.

‘God Knows'
And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
 That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.

My love and very best wishes,

My 2021 Crop Circle Calendar contains photographs of the 2020 circles. It will make a wonderful gift, but please also look at the others in my shop...

New! Dowsing Pendulums

Two new items - the first, a pendulum made of blue stone from the Presili mountains in Wales, which identical to the famous stones found at Stonehenge. Secondly, a lovely faceted crystal pendulum. Both carry a unique energetic quality and are on chains with circular rings at the end to prevent them flying out of your hands if their energy is too strong!

My most recent book, The Energies of Crop Circles


Calendars back to 2001

...and more



Light for the Future – November 2020

This has been a time of great sorrows and desolation for those who have lost special and very much treasured family members, friends or colleagues; for others a time of personal growth; as we find that many ‘things’ or issues have come to the surface and have had to be faced. A time of great challenges when we have found support from unexpected sources, giving us greater strength to go forward with a new and previously and completely different energy. An unusual energy that has never touched us before. It is as though we have been permitted to hold a torch to pierce the darkness; a torch that may help us to tread our paths with certain knowledge; one that will show us the way towards the Light running like a golden thread through the confusion outside. The Solstice will soon be here and it seems to me that it will bring with it a new, positive and vibrant energy, bringing with it great hope, a new energy and hope for the future coming to our aid like the cavalry, bearing banners of Light as it comes charging over the brow of the hill to the rescue.

The term 'solstice' derives from the Latin word 'solstitium', meaning 'Sun standing still'. On this day the Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction as it reaches its southernmost position as seen from the Earth.

This is a time when everything lies dormant in the silent earth, it is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the awakening and the slow build up toward brighter days. Just as we need to sleep at night so the Earth needs a period of rest and regeneration as it too lies sleeping peacefully, ready to awaken as the days get longer and the Sun rises higher in the sky.

It is easy to feel downcast at this time of year but if we manage to look at it as a time of new growth to come then we can have a great feeling of hope.

Even though we continue to live our lives - some hectic, some less so - the energy of winter is that of going within. It's the fruitful darkness, a time of new beginnings for the future and of inner growth, out of which new inspirations, purpose and insight can emerge.

In many religions worldwide this is one of the most magical times of year as we approach the Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Celebrated all over the world, this is the moment when the rhythm of the earth changes and the heartbeat of Gaia, the mother Goddess, takes on a new charge of energy. We are told that she is a goddess who, by all accounts, inhabits the planet, offering life and nourishment to all her children. In the ancient civilizations, she was revered as mother, nurturer and giver of life. And in Greek Mythology she represented the Earth, birthing all forms of landscape, plant and creature. Though her creation was majestic, her solitude was great. She longed for love and created the sky with whom she mated, igniting a creative force which birthed countless offspring: Time and the Fates, the Muses and the oceans, to name a few. She’s considered the primeval mother of whom all gods - and life itself - descended. As the mother figure she represents the Divine Feminine.

And in the Christian Faith it links us to the Birth of Christ; in the Muslim tradition Jesus was born in March or September but was not considered to be the son of God, The Hindus celebrate Pancha Ganapati, a five-day holiday beginning on December 21st to celebrate the elephant-headed lord of culture and new beginnings.

Buddhists recognise the similarities between their religion and Christianity and so celebrate by giving gifts and hanging decorations - a time of giving.

I hope you enjoy this video showing wonderful sparking little metal trees. To me they symbolise a bright future as they gently unfold and turn into things of wonder. Maybe we are at that point now, as the future unfolds and we start walking towards a much better future, gaining insight of ourselves, our fellow beings and the world around us as we tread our individual paths.

On a more mundane level, as Christmas approaches, it can also be a time of stress as people prepare to get everything ready. Also a time of great loneliness for many whose lives are not as blessed as others and who cannot wait for life to get back to normal. Trying to feel happy and jolly when everyone else seems happy must exaggerate their sense of being ‘left out’ and unloved. So this time of giving not only in material ways but in care and understanding and the awareness that there are other ways of helping.

I am one of the really lucky ones. Over the years I have spent Christmas with my beloved sister, and if my sons can travel we all congregate at my home.

Having sung carols on the village green outside the local pub on Christmas Eve, several friends join us for dinner. We continue our parents (and probably our grandparent’s) traditions, and I believe my two sons do too!

Early on Christmas morning we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child at St James at Stedham, a tiny, ancient little church. I hope we will be able to do so this year. As you enter, you can immediately feel a sense of antiquity, peace and permanence.

The few records that remain indicate that the original church was built in 1040. The only part remaining from that period being the base of the tower, the upper section being dated 1677. There is evidence that a much earlier church stood here. The large Yew tree in the churchyard has been dated as around 2500 years old and a stone coffin, complete with stone lid, to the right of the church porch, is pre Saxon.

It is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and then it probably consisted of chancel, axial tower, and nave. The chancel was probably lengthened in the 13th century and a west porch added in the 17th. The tower was rebuilt in 1673 and in 1850 the chancel, nave, and porch were pulled down and the rest of the present church built, being consecrated in January 1851.

Later we will connect with my two sons on Skype or Facetime. They are both so far away in Australia - 12 hours ahead - and Thailand - 7 hours ahead - and like so many other families we are unable to be together. I am a most untechnical person and in fact get extremely annoyed with all its complications - however being able to keep in regular touch with them and their families is an untold blessing, so I have to retract my moaning!

A jigsaw puzzle is always at the ready. A real time waster but such fun as everyone can join in and contribute. I find that I can get totally absorbed trying to find just that one tiny illusive little piece which looks so easy to find but in reality, isn’t.

The two videos below show creative works that are mysteriously different, the workings of which must have taken the human sculptor far longer to create than finding a missing jigsaw puzzle piece. They show an incredible and breathtaking artistry. Works of genius in their own surprising and inimitable way.

At the recent Charleston Festival, Sir David Attenborough delivered a lecture entitled Beauty and the Beasts, in which he tackled the intriguing question of whether some animals can justifiably be described as artistic. Are we really the only creatures on Earth capable of delighting in beauty?
Can Animals be Artists? Read more

Thousands of sheets of paper make up these mesmerizing sculptures by Chinese artist Li Hongbo. These were shown at the artist's amazing paper sculpture exhibit at Klein Sun Gallery in New York in 2014.

So many of you have been wonderfully generous at helping to keep me going with my most important research and to stay up in the air in order to capture the pearls of beauty that grace our landscape. I thank you all enormously. Please continue to help by buying my lovely crop circle calendar 2021. At the start of the pandemic, I doubted if I would get any new images for this year’s calendar but lo and behold I did, and so many people have written telling me how much they are enjoying it. The cover image is the circle at Stanton St Bernard, which contains illusionary cubes and a hidden six-pointed star, a hexagon. I believe that it is the only crop circle calendar to date showing images from this summer. I also have other lovely goods but the crop circle jigsaw puzzles (apart from the little ones that make excellent stocking fillers) are unavailable until sometime in the New Year as the factory has not been taking any special orders until new machinery is installed. They assure me they will resume soon. The White Horse, and Druids Knot jigsaw (the most challenging of all), are still in stock.

My 2021 Crop Circle Calendar containing photographs of 2020 circles, will make a wonderful Christmas gift, but please also look at the other fantastic gifts in my shop...

I will make a special reduction for my latest exciting book to last from the 24th November - 15th December: I will cost £17.50 for this period.

A pendulum made from the blue stones from Presili mountains in Wales, identical to the famous blue stones found at Stonehenge. They carry a unique energetic quality. Secondly, a lovely faceted crystal pendulum. Both are on chains with circular rings at the end to prevent them flying out of your hands if the energy is too strong (this happened to me once!)

Calendars back to 2001

As I mentioned in my last letter, this autumn the trees have displayed an abundance of colours, more wonderful and vibrant then I can ever remember. The leaves are nearly all down now and the bare trees look fantastic, their skeletal form displaying a different beauty in their fundamental and basic outline, standing bravely against all the buffeting wind and rain.

The goldfinches and their friends and relations are back at my feeders taking turns with the various tits. What a joy it is to watch them from my kitchen window. Photographs in my next letter.

I wish you a most blessed, Winter Solstice, Christmas and great hope for 2021.

With my love and best wishes,



Keeping Our Spirits Up – October 2020

You must be wondering why you haven’t heard from me for so long - the answer is that I seem to have been rather overwhelmed with events that demanded my full attention. I send you my great apologies. I am now back again.

I do so hope you will enjoy the calendar. It shows all the memorable circles from this year 2020. The cover image is the circle at Stanton St Bernard, which contains illusionary cubes and a hidden six-pointed star, a hexagon.
The proceeds go towards funding my expensive flying and research, so please support me if you can.

When our lockdown descended, I wondered if we would see any crop circles this year, or perhaps the phenomenon would have transferred to more favourable countries. Such was my despair that I doubted that I might not get a calendar out at all for the first time in 22 years. I then decided that if the worst happened I would make one showing the 12 most stunning events over the years. Little did I know that the 2020 season would be so eventful.

Producing a calendar is an exacting proposition. It starts with selecting which of the new circle season pictures to include as the main picture. That is usually the easiest part. Then there are all the small side images to introduce, that - sometimes rather obscurely - interact with the large image. They relate to sacred places, flora and fauna. This is the hardest part, as many wonderful images have to be discarded as they just don’t ‘fit’ the bill. It can involve trying out up to 100 images. These are often hard copy prints, sometimes dating back several years, which I keep labelled in folders. They are then all laid out on my sitting room floor, maybe for several days, whilst I juggle with them. Next comes the data/information regarding each and every photograph in the calendar, plus inserting the sayings and the graphs. I usually manage to get it to the printers by the first week in September. They then send me proofs which always need `tweaking`. Finally, when I am happy that all is good, I give it the OK and the images are put on to photographic plates and printed. Finally the ring binding is added in order that the calendar will not fall to pieces by the end of the year. My task is not finished until all hard copy images are returned to their correct folders - I still haven’t succeeded yet for this new calendar - whew!!!

My next demanding event was putting together a new talk to a small gathering. Only 16 people were allowed to attend. I am not one of those people who feel carefree giving a talk. I worry terribly for several weeks beforehand and keep adding or deleting slides so the talk flows as smoothly as possible. I love researching, and each year new information appears. I love that, but it all takes time. When I finally start speaking my nerves disappear and I forget about myself and I get wrapped up in trying to impart a little of the information (sometimes hidden) buried in this incredible phenomenon.

I am told that if one did not suffer from nerves then it would not turn out as well - but how I wish I didn’t !!!

Contrary to my fears, this year we have had one of the most marvellous summers. Some really remarkable circles have graced our fields, some providing us with intelligent information such as the one at Potterne, Wiltshire on the 29th of May, just at the height of the pandemic. According to a retired American Professor Jerry Kroth, this formation gave us an accurate pathology of the virus, plus new and little known information that was already incorporated in the vaccine being worked on and developed by the Oxford University team of scientists. This is revealed in the so-called ‘blob’ at the end of the formation. Sp8 or Spike protein 8, which is thought to have the same immunological properties as it did in SARS.

© Stonehenge Dronescapes

Maybe the phenomenon prefers less people around - who knows the reason. Certainly the farmers did not get so anxious, though two formations were cut out almost as soon as they appeared.

We owe a great deal to the expertise of the drone pilots who recorded the formations in the early days before anyone was allowed to fly. Nick Bull (of Stonehenge Dronescapes) very kindly allowed me to put his wonderful images on my website.

The final formation I photographed was the lovely one at Woolstone Hill, lying below and between the ancient Uffington White Horse and the equally old long barrow at Waylands Smithy. They both run along the same ridge of hills, the Ridgeway. The Ridgeway meanders from Avebury and runs like a ribbon through Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire finally ending at Ivinghoe Beacon on the Ashridge estate in Hertfordshire. I attended a boarding school close to the Ivinghoe Beacon and I well remember going for walks along The Ridgeway without any knowledge of the special path I was treading.

In between, I had taken two tours which were some of the happiest. Not just because of the lovely people who joined me and the fact that we were allowed to visit three fantastic circles, but also because after being cooped up for so long, we were free to walk in this magical and sacred countryside. A heady and thrilling experience. There was an optional extra included after each tour. For the first, the very special private evening visit to Stonehenge and for the second tour the optional extra of flying over the circles we had visited plus the ancient Avebury stone complex, which left all those who flew with smiles from ear to ear

I have had so many enquiries. I can now give you the dates for my 2021 crop circle tours. The first, on Thursday 29th July, includes the optional extra of a wonderful private evening entry Stonehenge.

The second tour, on Tuesday 3rd August, has the optional extra of a magical flight over the crop circles and sacred sites.

All information is on my website.

Thinking the season was over and finished, I geared myself up to start my 2021 calendar but was amazed when two late circles appeared in September, both near Devizes. The first at Chirton Bottom, near Urchfont, Wiltshire on the 5th September, at the fringe of the inaccessible Salisbury Military zone.

The second and final one, a rather beautiful sinuously twisted ribbon at Roundway, near Devizes, Wiltshire on the 16th September, brought the UK total to 27 and the overall total to 37 worldwide. The rest appeared in France (3) Poland (2) Hungary, Russia (2) Germany and elsewhere.

Now is the time of changing seasons, when people can find it challenging as the days grow shorter and colder. It is also the time when nature needs a rest and before doing so gives us a most glorious display of heavenly colours as the trees turn into a blaze of glory - a stunning display of different hues, as earlier correctly foretold by the Meteorologists. The main ones are the acers, which are the first to show off their magnificent array of bright reds; followed by the yellow glow of the beech; then the wonderful deep gold of the stately oaks - to name a few. The more modest ones also join in to complete a perfect tapestry of radiance.

Winkworth Arboretum, near Godalming, Surrey

I visited the famous gardens, the Winkworth Arboretum with a friend, and we were so completely bewitched by the beauty all around us that we failed to notice which walk we had taken. It seemed we had taken the very longest of the walks, which took us about two and a half hours. Winkworth Arboretum consists of the most beautifully laid out features, with little winding paths ascending and descending over a gradient of over 500 feet. Due to the recent rain it was not easy walking. We started by going downhill over lots of little steps with wooden slats at the top of each one. We did quite a bit of slithering as we went. I did one splendid one on my bottom! One of the best ways of speeding downhill! What goes down must go up and going up we chose the easier route. It had fewer and more shallow steps to navigate. Even so it was quite a pull, but worth it as we were surrounded by such beauty in all directions. We will go again in the Spring.

Nature has the gift of healing and it is during this year that many of us have found ourselves seeing things that we had never noticed before. The birdsong has seemed more beautiful than ever and even the tiniest flower, more important and special. The sky has been bluer. Everything has appeared to stand out in a way it had not done before, even the clouds took on a sharper and more vivid aspect. As someone said ‘there is a difference between looking and seeing.’

As autumn takes us into winter, the days, despite the cold, will slowly get longer and lighter again, but in the meantime it is easy to start feeling ‘flat’. Christmas is not always an easy or happy celebration for everyone. I like to think that we are able to bring some happiness, comfort and cheer to all those who find it a difficult time. We all have good days and bad days, that is fine, but for those whose bad days last longer we must try and bring light into their lives.

I used to ‘channel’ and still find I do so unconsciously at times. Not long ago, I was sitting relaxing and found myself looking down on the earth. The picture zoomed in until I found myself looking at a small town and its surroundings. It was quite dark, maybe eventide. The darkness was one that seemed to herald the dawn. In some way a cleansing and new beginning, a way of moving forward. There was nothing frightening about it - it was the darkness before the dawn, letting us know that the darkness is not here forever, it will pass, just as morning light follows night.

It is time to break through the barrier of fear and illusion and let the light of the soul express itself in every aspect of daily life. Each one of us is light in varying degrees and this shines through every thought, word and deed.

In reality everything is spirit, but over a long period of time the human mind has separated spirit and matter, and therefore materialism has ruled the world. People are now being forced to keep life simple and each one of us has the power to fill it with love, light, peace and healing if we so desire. It is up to us.

We are all one. One Divine Consciousness. We are tiny individual sparks of that whole.
With my love and best wishes



Harvesting In Full Swing – August 2020

Another whole month has gone by since I last wrote to you, a month full of wonderful activity. We have been blessed with some beautiful weather and beautiful crop circle events. Both my tours went ahead as planned and we were fortunate and blessed in being able to visit circles in the morning and then another in the afternoon. It is some years since we have been able to do this as circles have become scarcer and sometimes appear on land belonging to farmers who are not happy to allow people to visit.

This summer we visited two circles at Etchilhampton, near Devizes in Wiltshire in the morning. They were about half a mile apart so we were able to reach both by walking along the same track. It was quite a steep uphill slope from where we had parked our cars. It was a glorious day and we all carefully kept our distances from each other; so easy to do outside. Both days the weather was perfect; no rain and not too hot.

I was delighted that we had three children; Alex 10, Guy 11 and Julia 12. Children are particularly open minded. Guy was at the age of longing to know everything about everything; he has a wonderfully enquiring and intelligent mind and is an avid reader, so I was able to suggest a few authors who might stimulate him further. I remember being just as inquisitive about everything at the same age. I have to say, I still find that I am still searching for answers to so many questions and think I will forever continue this lust for knowledge and information. I am going to share a few reports kindly sent to me afterwards.

Lucy and Guy Geddes in Etchilhampton 1
Etchilhampton 1
Etchilhampton 2

Juliet Geddes kindly sent me the report below, and this image of the exquisite centre of Etchilhampton 2

  • Guy experiences a pain across his chest whenever he goes into a crop circle, more or less where the energy of the circle starts, or close to the perimeter of it. This happened for him again in these 3 circles. He experienced this same chest pressure in them all (but it was by far the strongest in Hackpen). He describes this pressure as feeling like both his siblings are sitting on his chest.
  • Etchilhampton 1: Guy felt huge warmth in his heart area, once inside the perimeter.
  • Etchilhampton 2: He felt pain on one side of his head, at the back on the top left.
  • Hackpen: pain again in his head, but this time at the back and much lower down, by the alta major chakra. Also colours seen – orange and blue.
  • My own experience is that I tend to feel very mildly dizzy in crop circles, and very slightly nauseous. It is not overwhelming in any way so I'm fine to stay in them. In fact I also feel very calm and peaceful in them too, especially the Etchilhampton circles.'

Danielle Locke also sent me her report
'In Etchilhampton no 2 Alex saw turtles and sea with lots of coral. He said he felt like he was in water. He said he also saw land and had decided he was being given a message to save the planet. He felt sleepy and calm.'

Tatiana told me that both she and her daughter experienced the same acid/metallic taste that I and many other people have also experienced inside crop circles. It is so pervasive; one is unable to get rid of it until it suddenly disappears as soon as one leaves the circle. This could possibly indicate a sudden drop in blood sugar level and draining of energy as demonstrated by a lady after a talk and said “...I have got that taste now and I am not in a circle!” She was a diet maintained diabetic and knew that as soon as her protein ketones were breaking down, she got that taste in her mouth. Could this be what is happening to people when they visit certain formations? This is exciting yet frustrating due to our research constraints.

Sarah wrote:
“Hi Lucy,
Thank you for a wonderful day and evening it was simply one of the best experiences l have ever had !
Also a beautiful group of people we all got on tremendously.

My accounts...
Crop circle one - Etchilhampton.
The energy l felt while sitting in this peaceful circle was loving and nurturing. The energy swirled around my body in a clockwise direction. As I sat with my eyes closed, after a while l could sense a beautiful pale turquoise light flowing from above and into my crown chakra. The frequency I always hear as my ears changed into a musical note. Dolphins and Whales came to mind. They are originally from Sirius B, of which I have past life connections. From this l determine that the circle is a message in the form of healing every from this star system.

Crop circle 2… I have no recall at the moment, sorry !!'


We had a delicious lunch at the Honey Street café which I can strongly recommend as their menu is large and varied and the service is first class. Happy smiling faces all round. We sat outside keeping our distances. A café is too humble a name for such an excellent venue. Close by, you will also find the wonderful Crop Circle Exhibition, the brain child of Monique Klinkenberg. This is well worth a visit but sadly we were pressed for time as still had the special Hackpen Hill circle to visit before our final excitement of the day - our private evening entry visit to Stonehenge.


Sarah continues:
“Wow this circle really was an experience!
As we were approaching the circle a tall guy wearing dark blue robes stood waiting. I sensed he would be bringing us some musical accompaniment, which proved to be correct.
The sun was shining beautifully and what struck me initially was the colour of the crop… ...it had a etheric / golden / sparkling glow that started immediately below the head of corn and continued downwards for several inches… ...giving the appearance of a golden band of light (see photo attached below)
It was visible with or without the sun shining!

The geometry was simply stunning too, the outside made up of ten pentacles (stars) and in the middle a large Pentagon containing a ten pointed star.

I spent a while walking around in the direction of the lay of the crop as Lucy advised we do.
It felt like there were different healing 'rooms' in the middle of each star.
Initially I chose my spot, and after sitting down, I was guided to lie down. The sensation was incredibly strong as the back of my head touched the ground. I could see myself flying over fields and crops darting here and watching patterns forming. Then I began to feel dizzy and a bit nauseous (like travel sickness / vertigo) so l slowly sat up and gathered myself.

I then walked to another spot and sat down, and then lay down. The energy here was also strong but my whole body felt supported and it was like lying on memory foam while having an energy healing session… wonderful! I then went and sat near the chap we saw earlier in the robes and enjoyed him playing crystal Tibetan bowls and finally he blew a conch shell! It was absolutely superb and added to the magical energy of the circle.

I was very sad to leave, l am sure if one was to spend time in the middle of each 'star' a different energy and experience would be encountered!

Thank you Lucy for your knowledge and patience with us all. I will be back next year all going well. Have a fabulous time next week with your tour.

Best wishes
Sarah xxx'"

Danielle Locke’s report:

'In the Hackpen hill, Alex sat in one of the small circle sections, all of sudden he felt everything go quiet, everyone disappeared. Then he thought he could see a man with a fire. Alex was mesmerised by this circle and we sat for quite a long time being quiet. I felt surges of energy in this one and felt cocooned in the circles. I felt really positive and happy, it was lovely to hear the sound healing going on in the centre of the crop circle. We felt mesmerised by that as well. This was our favourite circle.

Alex was peaceful for days after our trip, he loved it and it seemed to settle a few things for him. He liked hearing the members of the group chat about things.'

The circle was situated on the famous 5000 year old Ridgeway that stretches from Avebury in Wiltshire to the Chiltons in Hertfordshire, and reaching the end of its journey at Ivinghoe Beacon, near Tring. Below lies the Hackpen chalk White Horse. Thought to have its origin in 1883 to commemorate the Coronation of Queen Victoria it stands proud on the edge of the Marlborough Downs overlooking the countryside below.

Hackpen Hill is a magical place and has long been associated with the faery folk and legend has it that on certain nights of the year, the top of the hill rises up. Wonderful music is heard and those who venture in to join in the song, the wine and the dance may never be seen again, or if they do reappear it is said they are never the same again after their time with the inhabitants of the hill.

That whole area was also a stronghold of the Knights Templar.

We then all drove to Stonehenge for the final excitement of the day. Sadly due to the Coronavirus, the fantastic exhibition and café were closed. The loos were open!!

We all wore masks in the coach taking us to the stones. From the air they look tiny but - wow, standing beneath them they are majestically huge. Despite having been visiting so very many times they always manage to weave their magic over me. I have witnessed people having so many extraordinarily wonderful experiences, so often because they feel they 'Have come home.'


However Guy’s experience was quite different to any before.

“As Guy approached the stones he felt like he was carrying a huge oak beam across his shoulders. Pain and stiffness radiated out from this, to his neck, down the top part of his spine, and to his elbows. He had to stand back from the stones as he felt the energy so strongly and it was too much up close. The pain included a stiff feeling, like he wanted to stretch up with his arms to relieve aches and pains, but this didn’t help. The stiff feeling remained, until he left the stones. However, he really loved being in there!

He also saw shapes across the sky at Stonehenge. He describes these as being like single lines connected by two dots on the ends. The lines were either straight or wavy. He was unsure what they meant, but felt like they had somehow been burned or etched to leave their mark into slightly orange wood.”

Crop Circle Tour 2
This again was a happy day. We followed the same procedure as the first one, except people could fly over the circles in the evening after the tour.

Amelda came with me last year when sadly we were not able to visit any circles and so I took them on a tour of the many sacred places such as Silbury Hill, Waden Hill, the magnificent stone complex Avebury, and the most ancient of all, the West Kennet Long Barrow.

All have their own special energy and history. However she was so sad that she had not managed to experience a crop circle and wrote:

'Thank you for taking us on yet another unforgettable experience in Crop Circle Tours! I have been interested in Crop Circles for some 20 years and having the experience of actually walking through them has expanded my Consciousness and Vibration to a Higher Level and for this, I am so very grateful to you. And Flying over the Circle Formations was the ultimate Joy!

Our Scientific Research Day was held on the 16 August. It is difficult if not impossible to try and judge what the weather will be from year to year and hence when the circles will be harvested. The only one available was the enormous one at Patney Bridge, near Devizes, measuring some 540 feet diameter overall.

Sadly for the very first time I was unable to attend, as a few days before I had been stung and ended up in hospital having suffered a severe reaction, the effects of which lasted for over a week. Advanced Physiologist Paul Gerry from the Devon and Exeter Hospital kindly led the research.

He was performing basic physiological measurements in a circle. That is pulse rate, pO2 (amount of oxygen in blood) and blood pressure.

Those present included Parkinson sufferer and first-timer for our Research Day, Jackie Wilson-Rose and Essential Tremor sufferer Linda Daubney who has kindly volunteered for many years.

I will write up the results in my annual article.

The circle has been likened to a hydrocarbon natural compound 2,4/iso dimethy/3 isoppropylpentane used to fight viruses.

We have been blessed with so many wonderful events this year, one of the most beautiful being the one at Woolstone, Oxfordshire, close to the famous and most ancient of all our chalk white horses, the enormous and spectacular Uffington White Horse.

English Heritage tells us:

‘The Iron Age hillfort known as Uffington Castle occupies the summit of Whitehorse Hill. It consists of a large enclosure, measuring about 722 feet (220 m) by 522 feet (160 m), surrounded by a wide chalkstone bank or inner rampart about 39 feet (12 m) wide and 8 feet (2.5 m) high, and formerly lined with sarsen (sandstone) stones.

Around this is a grass-covered ditch about 9.5 feet (3 m) deep and a further, smaller bank forming an outer rampart. A causeway, flanked by the out-turned ends of the inner rampart, provides an entrance to the site from the west. This would have been closed by a gate.

Postholes and pits revealed during archaeological excavations serve as evidence of structures built within the enclosure during the hillfort’s occupation, while pottery and coins have been found in burial chambers close by.

The Iron Age buildings are likely to have been large round huts, each housing an extended family group. In the Middle Ages the land within the enclosure was ploughed and earthworks mark the ridge and furrow pattern of cultivation.

Large Iron Age hillforts are rare. Most are located on the high chalklands of the southern counties of England, and Uffington Castle is regarded as an outstanding example.'

The White Horse

© Lucy Pringle

Situated 557 feet (170 m) to the north-east of the hillfort – and visible from a distance of several miles – is the striking chalk-cut figure of a horse.

The White Horse, which measures 364 feet (111 m) from the tip of its tail to its ear, has been dated to the later Bronze Age or Iron Age, between 1740 and 210 BC. It may have been a territorial marker or a fertility symbol – its function is not certain. Once every seven years from at least 1677 until the late 18th century a midsummer ‘scouring festival’ was held, during which local people cleaned the chalk outline of the horse and enjoyed a celebratory feast within the hillfort.

The shape of the horse has changed over the centuries. The present outline may be only a part of the original. Aerial photography shows that a larger, more conventional shape of a horse lies beneath. The loss of shape has been caused by slippage of the top soil and by repeated recutting. The head currently has a prominent ‘eye’, and tusk-like ‘beak’ at its mouth.

Dragon Hill

Local legend associates the horse with St George and the Dragon, hence the name of nearby Dragon Hill. This is a round mound, about 32.9 feet (10 m) high with a flattened top, likely to have been formed by glacial erosion.
Also close by is the ancient Long Barrow at Wayland's Smithy about a mile from the Uffington White Horse.

I tried taking a picture from the air but it is mainly hidden by trees. I have visited it on several occasions. It is not easy to find.

We are told that: ‘Wayland's Smithy is a chambered long barrow located near the village of Ashbury in the south-eastern English county of Oxfordshire. Probably constructed in the thirty-sixth century BC, during Britain's Early Neolithic period, today it survives in a partially reconstructed state.

Archaeologists have established that the monument was built by pastoralist communities shortly after the introduction of agriculture to Britain from continental Europe. Although representing part of an architectural tradition of long barrow building that was widespread across Neolithic Europe, Wayland's Smithy belongs to a localised regional variant of barrows produced in the south-west of Britain, now known as the Severn-Cotswold group. Of these, it is in one of the best surviving conditions.

The later mound was 185 feet (56 m) long and 43 feet (13 m) wide at the south end. Its present appearance is the result of restoration following excavations undertaken by Stuart Piggott and Richard Atkinson in 1962-63. They demonstrated that the site had been built in two different phases, a timber-chambered oval barrow built around 3590 and 3550 BC and a later stone-chambered long barrow in around 3460 to 3400 BC.

Wayland's Smithy is along the same hill as the Uffington White Horse and Uffington Castle, while it is also close to The Ridgeway, an ancient road running along the Berkshire Downs. In the early middle ages, the site became associated with the mythological figure Wayland the Smith, from which it gained its name. Since the late 20th century it has been used as a ritual site by various modern Pagan groups. Now under the guardianship of the English Heritage, it is open without charge to visitors all year round.’

Following on from my quest to find the farmer to whom the Bishop's Sutton formation belonged, I never succeeded but Martin Herdman and Libby Barrett visited it and Libby kindly sent me this lovely report.


"As usual I felt a little light headed and off balance as I entered the circle.
It was a most beautiful circle with a hexagon in the middle and leaves around the hexagon.
I did what I usually do and waited for a sign. I began to walk around the outside of the of the circle first, towards the flattened wheat inside..
When I reached the centre of the circle I stood too ground and attune myself.
As I began to ground, the soles of my feet became very hot and almost fluid like.
It didn’t take long before I had grounded and attuned.
With my eyes closed I enjoyed the energy within the circle.
Then I felt a slight discomfort and pain on either side of my back just above my kidneys.
I then visioned what I initially thought was a Phoenix landing close by with large wings coming out from its back. Hopping and flying low over the crop circle.
I then realised it was an angel and I had become this angel.
I had grown wings from the two places I felt discomfort from in my back.
I began to fly low over the circle as if I had become one with the angel.
As if the angel was proud of the circle and wanted the show me around.
Once this ended I had a wonderful feeling.
The energy in the circle was very calm and relaxing. I did not want to leave.
Martin went off to take the dogs for a walk and I lay down in the centre of the circle in the pouring rain.
Calm and peaceful I lay in the wet rain enjoying the energy.
As I became more relaxed I began to see hundreds of tiny little silvery white lights just above the wheat. Moving around – darting back and forth. Moving in different directions and speed.
Attracted to the crop circle they moved around in the air.
I know I was seeing nature beings from another dimension.
I had a message – “looking and seeing are two different things”.
Have these nature beings been here all along. Have we just not taken the time to see them.
I have much gratitude in my heart for my experience that day in the crop circle.”

I plan to continue to give my 2020 talk on Saturday 17th October at The Petersfield Community Centre starting promptly at 7.30 (19:30 hrs). Unfortunately in order to conform to the Covid safety distancing regulations, I can only have very few people; in fact not more than 15. If you are local to me and would like to come, please email or telephone me (0170 263454) as entrance will be selling tickets only. It has turned out to be one of the most fascinating years we have ever had and has surpassed all expectations.

I am also in the process of putting together my new calendar 2021. It will be ready by the beginning of October. I am happy to take orders now.


Blue Sky Days – July 2020

I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to be up in the air once more; the feeling of the gentle air on my face and glory of looking all around at our most beautiful countryside; little hidden villages; hamlets; iron age hill forts, white horses etched into the side of hills; church spires, farms and more mundanely swimming pools! Instead of concrete, acres of the most glorious kaleidoscope of fields as the crops are starting to ripen in all different hues of gold. A truly exhilarating and breathtakingly wonderful experience that no matter how many times I have flown, it still gives me that feeling of joy and wonder every single time; my heart seems to sing a special song of thankfulness just for being alive.

When flying around the circle, a whole lot of things come into play; first and foremost checking that your cameras are fully charged and that you have installed the card. When that is done, your lenses are clean and the settings are correct, you will be ready. Firstly you need to judge the size of the circle and fly around to find the exact angle when suddenly the circle below starts to shimmer like a pearl. Taking different overhead pictures, some directly overhead, some angled, some distance with the surrounding countryside as a backdrop, some close, some zoomed in, just to mention a few.

I wondered if I might be out of practise but luckily all was well. However I am never really satisfied and think the pictures taken by other photographers are often better than mine - good in a way, as it makes me try harder all the time.

I am going to send you a selection of my efforts this year to date. Some circles were quite old when I photographed them.

This is a link to a most remarkable video, shot by a friend, which I can strongly recommend.

Next week, I will be taking my first tour round the circles and ending with the memorable private evening entry to Stonehenge. Fingers crossed for good weather.

I still have a very few places left for my 6th of August tour with the optional extra of a magnificent flight over the circles after the tour. If you would like to book and join me, please hurry.

Wow, what should happen but just as I had finished this letter but yet another circle appeared, this time at Bishop’s Sutton, near Alresford in Hampshire, not too far from where I live. I must try and trace the farmer to try and obtain permission to enter.  It was a most glorious evening, the colours, soft, gentle and deep - what an excitement.

With my love and best wishes,


Happy Days

How great it is to be able to write and tell good and happy news. For those whose families have been apart it seems that travel to and from certain countries, under careful conditions, may soon be possible.

I am attaching this video, as it shows some of the most staggeringly wonderful photographs I ever seen of the natural world.

As I write, the sun is shining and we have had some very welcome rain to nourish the land. We still have an unwelcome number of coronavirus cases, but things are definitely improving - though the question remains: have we learnt any lessons regarding our fellow men and our place in the natural world? Only time will tell. As Buddha tells us 'When you realise how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.'

To be honest there are few more exciting and exhilarating things than flying on a sunny day, and gazing at the heart-stopping beauty of England’s network of fields lying beneath. The occasional field of bright red poppies; amidst fields of  every shade of green, ranging from the palest green of young barley to the blue and later on the almost bottle green of wheat; still later the golden ripe barley and the occasional an almost bottle green of wheat; still later the golden ripe barley and the occasional brown freshly ploughed field. A kaleidoscope of coloured tapestry stretching as far as the eye can reach, a cornucopia of wonder as one flies over this magical landscape.

From the July 4th I am hopeful that I may be allowed to take to the air once more and bring you my images of the amazing formations lying gracefully and elegantly in the fields below.

We have had an abundance of circles and I am enormously grateful to Nick Bull of Stonehenge Dronescapes who has generously allowed me to put his images up on my website for everyone to enjoy.

The majority of crop circles have come to rest in Wiltshire but two have appeared in Dorset. The first on June 1st at Sixpenny Handley, consisting of a complex series of concentric circles divided into multiple radial 'checkerboard' portions. I think that this one might have just managed to creep in my last letter to you.

Bygone History
Sixpenny Handley lies north of a string of many of Dorset’s ancient Iron Age hill forts, in particular Badbury Rings. It was once the dwelling place of Durotriges, one of the Celtic tribes living in Britain prior to the Roman Invasion. Nearby are the remains of a temple located immediately west of the fort dating from the Roman era. It is one of the few to be covered in trees. It was a hill fort of considerable size as can be seen from the number of folds and terraces.

Badbury Rings, Dorset

Ackling Dyke, near Sixpenny Handley, Dorset. 21st June.
 Rachet form within a circle, with a seven pointed star at its centre. 
By kind permission of Droning On. copyright © 2020

Just to the south east of Sixpenny Handley and north east of Badbury Rings a beautiful formation at Ackling Dyke was photographed by Droning On. It appeared on 21st June in celebration of the Summer Solstice.  Sadly it was trashed overnight so we are thankful that it was recorded. It seemed fitting that a heptagram lay in the centre.  Steeped in symbolism, a heptagram is thought to represent the power of love and in Christian tradition as a symbol of protection; the seven points representing the perfection of God and the seven days of creation.

We are also told that ‘in Islam, the heptagram is used to represent the first seven verses of the Quran.

Sadly, for the first time in countless years, Stonehenge was closed, but the fact that people were not able to gather and worship the sun rising in the wonderful energy of the stones as the rising sun kissed the Heel Stone, could not detract from the magic of this occasion.  Throughout the world this ceremony is celebrated. It is thought the Egyptians aligned the pyramids at Giza with the rising sun.

We are told that ‘On June 24, in time with the Southern Hemisphere’s winter solstice, the Inca Empire celebrated Inti Raymi, a festival that honoured the Inca religion’s powerful sun god Inti and marked the Inca New Year. The festival is still celebrated throughout the Andes, and since 1944, a reconstruction of Inti Raymi has been staged in Cusco, Peru, less than two miles from its Inca Empire home.

During the Slavic holiday of Ivan Kupala, long timed to the summer solstice, people wear floral wreaths and dance around bonfires. Some plucky souls jump over the fires as a way of ensuring good luck and health.

Lying along the famous Ackling Dyke is the ancient Roman road as it runs like a ribbon from south west of Old Sarum, close to Badbury Rings then on to Salisbury and Dorchester. Other arteries run all the way to London.

Close by you may catch a glimpse of the spire of Salisbury Cathedral

We are told that Old Sarum is the site of the earliest settlement of Salisbury in England. Located on a hill about 2 miles (3 km) north of modern Salisbury, near the A345, the settlement appears in some of the earliest records in the country. It is an English Heritage property and is open to the public.

The great monoliths of Stonehenge and Avebury were erected nearby, and indications of prehistoric settlement have been discovered from as early as 3000 BC. An Iron Age hill fort was erected around 400 BC, controlling the intersection of two native trade paths and the Hampshire Avon. The site continued to be occupied during the Roman period, when the paths became roads. The Saxons took the British fort in the 6th century and later used it as a stronghold against marauding Vikings. The Normans constructed a motte and bailey castle, a stone curtain wall, and a great cathedral. A royal palace was built within the castle for King Henry I and was subsequently used by Plantagenet monarchs. This heyday of the settlement lasted for around 300 years until disputes between the Wiltshire sheriff and the Salisbury bishop finally led to the removal of the church into the nearby plain. As New Salisbury grew up around the construction site for the new cathedral in the early 13th century, the buildings of Old Sarum were dismantled for stone and the old town dwindled. Its long-neglected castle was abandoned by Edward II in 1322 and sold by Henry VIII in 1514.

Although the settlement was effectively uninhabited, its landowners continued to have parliamentary representation into the 19th century, making it the most notorious of the rotten boroughs that existed before the Reform Act of 1832.

Other formations to have graced our fields in chronological order are:

Hooper's Wood, Dilton Marsh, Wiltshire 3. 11th June 2020. © Stonehenge Dronescapes

Barbury Castle, Wroughton, Wiltshire. 14th June 2020.  © Stonehenge Dronescapes

above left: Hunts' Down, near Wilton, Wiltshire. 17 June 2020.
Copyright © 2020 Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography

above right: Berwick Bassett Clump, near Winterbourne Monkton, Wiltshire.
21st June 2020.  Eccentric circles with curved 'comet' shape.Wiltshire.
Copyright © 2020 Dronescapes


And finally a dramatic circle captured magnificently as always by Stonehenge Dronescapes. Smeathe's Plantation, near Ogbourne St George, Wiltshire.  25th June. Concentric circles of petal-like forms with bounding ogee shapes. © Stonehenge Dronescapes

Once again a circle has appeared just as this letter was going to be winging its way to you.  It has arrived close to where I live which is a huge joy and excitement. I hope to be able to get the farmer’s permission and visit it but sadly the weather forecast is not so good.

Allan King Way, near Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire. 29th June 2020. Wheat. c.130 feet (39.5m) diameter.
copyright © Stonehenge Dronescape

My tour on the 28th July is fully booked but I have a few places left for the 6th August tour with the optional extra of flying over the fields and sacred sites in the evening. I am sure we will have many more wonders to enjoy, enthral and delight us.

The next time I write to you, I hope I will have been up in the air.

A circle has arrived just in time to be included. It is in Hampshire, not far from where I live.

May you all tread carefully, safely and gently
With my love and best wishes,


I have researched the crop circle phenomenon for over 30 years and have enjoyed every moment, but the cost of research and flying has been, and is, enormous. I have benefitted from some donations and sales and several of you have been very generous, but I would love it if you could still donate to help me to keep going. I thank you in advance.

P.S. My 2020 crop circle calendar now costs £8.00.

2020 Crop Circle Tours


All or Nothing – June 2020

At last, I have the great pleasure of sending you some great crop circle news! Since the 26th of May four new circles have appeared as though they were trying to make up for lost time. However until the Covid-19 epidemic has been brought under control, it has been thought advisable not to give out the exact location of the circles. Hopefully these conditions may soon be relaxed depending on the reduction in numbers of people affected. I know this may come as a great disappointment to many, especially to everyone living abroad.

The first one to show its face was a simple single circle.

Saterna, Emilia, Romagna, Italy. 8th May 2020. c. 60t (18m) (crop unknown). Single circle. copyright © www.corriereromagna.it

There was some considerable time gap between the next one.

Reported 26th May 2020. Unknown location in southern UK.  Crop unknown. c.90ft diameter. (27.5m) copyright © Clandestineuk

Here I would again like to mention Col. Tom Moore. The humble centurion who, without seeking any publicity, set out to walk and complete 100 laps of his garden in order to raise £1000 on behalf of the National Health Service, without knowing what a worldwide sensation he would become.  Not content with £1000 he continued to walk and at present his heroic effort has raised a staggering £33 million and it is still growing daily, such has been his inspiration to us all. At a time of heart-breaking tragedies and great suffering, Tom Moore gives us the focal point of hope, determination and resolution we so badly needed. 

We have all witnessed the unbelievable response from retired medics, nurses and indeed all frontline workers in all walks of life and professions, past or present, some of whom have willingly made the ultimate sacrifice in giving their lives to help others. They are all heroes in their own wonderful way. 

Going from being Captain Tom Moore he has now risen in the ranks to become Colonel Moore and will soon become a Knight of the Realm. What a worthy tribute to this unassuming man.  Never has there been a more worthy or steadfast Knight.  

Captain Tom Moore and HRH Queen Elizabeth II
Captain Tom Moore and HRH Queen Elizabeth II

Following fast on its heels was this stunning circle.  As always the circles are open to personal interpretation.

Wiltshire, Reported 28th May 2020. Barley. c:120 feet (35.6m) overall. By kind permission of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020
Wiltshire, Reported 28th May 2020. Barley. c:120 feet (35.6m) overall.
By kind permission of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020

Wiltshire, Reported 28th May 2020. Barley. c:120 feet (35.6m) overall. By kind permission of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020

Wiltshire. 30th May 2020. Barley. c.90 feet (27.5m) By kind permission of © Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020

As I write, hot off the press, this Yin Yang circle arrived, again in Wiltshire.  In Chinese philosophy, the Yin Yang concept symbolises balance, in bringing together harmonising and uniting two opposing forces so that they become complimentary, interdependent and interconnected. 

Wiltshire. 30th May 2020. Barley. c.90 feet (27.5m) By kind permission of © Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020
Wiltshire. 30th May 2020. Barley. c.90 feet (27.5m) By kind permission of © Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020
Wiltshire. 30th May 2020. Barley. c.90 feet (27.5m) By kind permission of © Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020

Indeed as we move forward I hope that this symbol may symbolise and encourage us all to walk together in a renewed endeavour of treating our fellow men - and the natural world, to which we are guests - with love and gentle kindness. Aware of our failings and of how we may try and overcome them. 

Yet another circle just in time before this article reaches you—what a blessing it is too.

Dorset. 1st June 2020. Barley, c.130 feet (39.5m) A complex series of concentric circles divided into multiple radial 'checker board' portions. By kind permision of STONEHENGE DRONESCAPES PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT 2020
By kind permission of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020
Dorset. 1st June 2020. Barley, c.130 feet (39.5m)
A complex series of concentric circles divided into multiple radial 'checkerboard' portions
Dorset. 1st June 2020. Barley, c.130 feet (39.5m) A complex series of concentric circles divided into multiple radial 'checker board' portions. By kind permision of STONEHENGE DRONESCAPES PHOTOGRAPHY COPYRIGHT 2020
By kind permission of Stonehenge Dronescapes Photography copyright © 2020

The farmer has also made it quite clear that he does not want people to visit his field. Furthermore, he has insisted there is no public right of way to visit the Crop Circle. 

Please check my web site for the latest circles.
I would like to finish with another inspiring message from my friend:

"The Eternal World

Life is ever changing around us even when we think that it is all rather static and uninspiring. However, we have certainly witnessed dramatic changes in the last few months that have caused great confusion and fear.

Human beings cling to the known and to a collective element that will support their mental, physical and spiritual systems. If any of these areas are disturbed they feel like ships without rudders and not easily able to rely on themselves.

Scientists have introduced us to the realm of Quantum Physics, nothing new but still an area of which many know little. It introduces the concept of how we are all surrounded by the field of consciousness. This field is alive with potential, ever waiting for us to make manifest our dreams.

The answer is to enter the state of consciousness without any preconceived ideas or patterns from the past. There can be no limitations of thought or doubts and fears. It is like stepping into an expanse of light that enfolds us with love, peace, healing and certainty.

It is an amazing opportunity to re-create the world in which we wish to live. It is a reflection of what it is like when we pass to the spirit world. We are not in that level of frequency in this vibration which is why we are unable to watch life unfold.

The Native American Indians had their storytellers and dream weavers and with their help we can do the same. I know that those beings in the spirit world try to protect us, as they try to draw close to us when we allow them. We need the support from spirit to see us through this strange time and help us to build a new heaven and a new earth.

In The Tempest Shakespeare gave Prospero the lines, ‘We are such stuff as dreams are made of and our little life is rounded with a sleep’.  It is time to awaken from sleep and - as never before - to become aware of who we really are; the tools we possess; and how we can use them in the true light of consciousness.

Let us walk into the field that surrounds every human being and everything in existence, and be creators. We are all part of eternity, so let us make the eternal dream the reality for the next stage of life"

Before long, I hope to be up in the air once more and be able to bring you my pictures, helped by your wonderful and uplifting generosity. I hope they will gladden your heart with their beauty.
