Crop circle conference 2014 followup

The summer is well under way and those of us who are Wimbledon tennis enthusiasts will be missing the thrill of hearing the ball whacked to and fro with such amazing skill and precision; not to mention admiring the fortitude and fitness of some of the players.

The Marlborough Conference which took place on the week-end of the Wimbledon finals was a tremendous if poignant success as after 20 years this was the final one; the final chapter in an illustrious history. Francine Blake has been at the helm of the Wiltshire CCSG group since the very early days when it was first affiliated to the CCCS (the Centre for Crop Circle Studies) before going it alone, ably helped by many stalwarts over the years and finally by Clare Oatley who skillfully masterminded this conference. It was a lovely friendly event as usual taking place in the peaceful and gracious setting of Marlborough College. It will be sorely missed leaving a huge gap in the summer crop circle conference season.

We have had some lovely new formations since I last wrote. Foremost is the Charlton circle containing a tripod of small triangles inside a broken triangle which in turn is surrounded by a broken circle. It appeared north of the ancient town of Malmesbury in North Wiltshire.

Please check out my web site for new crop circle arrivals.

My crop circle tour on the 6th August is fully booked but there are 6 places still left for the 30th July tour. After the crop circle visits there a thrilling optional extra of flying over the circles and seeing them in all their majesty from the air. An opportunity not to be missed.

I would like to take the opportunity here to thank ALL of you, who through your kind and generous donations,  have assisted me in keeping my crop circle photo library alive for all to freely enjoy. It is my greatest desire to continue this, not only for we who are present today, but also for the enjoyment of future generations.

If you would like to join in helping me with this effort please click here and make a donation safely and securely through the Paypal button at the bottom of the page.

Many thanks.

Best wishes


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