Lucy Pringle
5 Town Lane, Sheet,
Hampshire GU32 2AF, UK.
Telephone: +44-1730-263454
I am Lucy Pringle. I am seeking funding to assist me in continuing with my work in crop circle research, and for contacts and tips which might help me in this. This letter introduces me (if you don’t know me) and explains my work and what I’m seeking. If you know of anybody who might be interested, please forward this letter to them or ask me to send it to them. I appreciate your attention with this.
About me
I was educated in England, France and Switzerland and have travelled widely. I was a founder member of the (now defunct) Centre for Crop Circle Studies in the 1990s. Widely known as an international authority on the subject, for the past two decades and more, I have been a pioneer researcher into the effects of electromagnetic fields on living systems.
I have written several books on the subject and I’m well known as a crop circle photographer, with an extensive collection available for use and research to be found on my website. I am presently writing a fourth book with retired academic Jim Lyons based on the scientific aspect of crop circle research. It is aimed at bringing crop circle research to a new and much-needed level of credibility based on scientific evidence.
I have the largest database in the world on this aspect of research with over 800 reports sent in by people who have visited or been in the vicinity of crop circles or who have experienced remote effects from watching slides during lectures. Many of these reports have been reviewed by a colleague at the British Medical Association.
I lecture and provide research results and photographs worldwide.
While I have no formal scientific background, I work with scientists from all over the world and feel I have inherited some of the scientific genes of my great grandfather Peter Spence who, in 1845, patented a technique of manufacturing alum more cheaply and on a larger scale by treating shale from coal mines with sulphuric acid, to be used in the textile industry, where it was used as a mordant for fixing natural dyes to fabrics. England’s important wool trade relied upon a steady supply of alum. It was also used in pharmaceuticals.
About my research
A key aspect of my research demonstrates measurable changes in human hormones following short exposure to crop circles, and also changes in brain activity.
My current focus is on the temporary relief of chronic and intractable diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and arthritis which has observably taken place whilst people are inside crop circles or following visits to them. This relief can range from a few hours to 24 hours. The relief of Parkinson’s is due to an increase in brain activity into the gamma level of between 30-72 htz per second, at which point the brain produces dopamine naturally. This research is also being undertaken by scientists who have found similar results demonstrating that, by raising the gamma level of brain activity in their patients, it inhibits dyskinesia.
This area of investigation is dear to my heart as one of my cousins died of Parkinson’s several years ago. It is a desperate condition affecting people worldwide. If the crop circles can in any way contribute to this research, that alone would be testimony to their importance, though I believe there are many further reasons why crop circles are important.
The relief of arthritis would seem to indicate a reduction in inflammation. As a result of the temporary benefit received in both these instances, it gives help to the disadvantaged in terms of mobility and social isolation in the wider community, and it might perhaps reveal how these diseases arise or can be allayed.
Modern techniques permit such measurements to be taken in situ in cropformations. Individuals show distinct patterns of changes peculiar to themselves. This work also enables EEG measurements to be recorded. Again, each individual’s effects are discernible, recorded and analysed.
I have also been systematically testing the effects on water by burying small bottles of Volvic springwater (it is the most constant, not going above 4htz). The water has been tested over the years using many techniques which show unexpected mineral changes between the water buried inside the circles compared with the control samples buried outside.
Hormonal changes are also significant. These are tested using the Asyra technique, described by Prof William Tiller of Stanford University as being one of the most reliable diagnostic techniques available.
All the methodology is carefully written up and published by me or my collaborators.
My website
On my website you will find the UK’s most comprehensive library of crop circle photographs. The site has free entry and images can be downloaded for personal use and research projects. Charges are levied for commercial photographic usage. My photographs have been used worldwide, as far afield as Russia, China, Taiwan, Korea and also by the History Channel, Led Zeppelin, National Geographic and others.
In addition you will find on the site a list of articles recording my work, reports and experiences together with data and the results of scientific tests, during which time both the scientific techniques and methodology have continued to improve.
Some interviews I have given are also listed, with my lecture schedule and merchandise. The latter has increased over the years as the need to raise funds has also increased.
One important issue with my photo collection and research results is that, while crop formations are not nowadays understood for their full importance, in a future time scientific and technological researchers will need access to all the available data they can find. This subject is ahead of its time, and my archive is important as a record of what has happened. The phenomenon might not continue forever, and the importance of it will probably outlast the phenomenon itself. Thus this archive has historic importance and it needs to be consistent and comprehensive, for future reference.
Existing income sources
Except for a few minor donations, I have been entirely self-funded.
The sales of my photographs, merchandise and lectures contribute to my funding but the cost of producing the merchandise has also risen, as have the cost of petrol (gasoline), postage and flying costs. With merchandise there is a limit to what is acceptable to charge for any one item, especially during times of economic recession.
I also take several tours round the crop circles each year to raise funds but I have to limit these as they take a huge amount of organisation and inhibit my research in the field.
Apart from having a webmaster, I am a one-man band, personally managing all aspects of my research work, business, accounts and so on, as I am unable to afford help.
Unfortunately a time has come when my personal income sources to support this work have diminished. Hence this funding letter
The funding I seek
In order to continue with this important research my approximate costs are listed here.
Flying, about £10,000+ per year. I fly in helicopters, as required by the CAA. It allows me to maintain and continue updating my extensive photographic library of UK crop circles. These pictures are available for public use but the charges I can reasonably ask for photo usage do not match the costs incurred. Photos are used when I give lectures and in my books and research write-ups, which promote my research. They are used by others too, but as dedicated researchers I cannot rightly charge them for usage – thus my photo collection exists as a service to the crop circle research community as a whole.
Donations given as credits to my helicopter company would be most welcome and can be tax-efficient for the donor. Please enquire if this interests you.
Petrol and car maintenance, £2,500. As you might imagine, there is a lot of driving involved, even though a majority of the formations lie within an area roughly between Oxford, Trowbridge and Winchester – though some are further afield.
Postage, office and computer consumables, £5,000 pa.
Webmaster’s fees, £2,500 pa.
Equipment. Camera repairs, replacement lenses, etc. £1,000-5,000, depending on needs arising.
It is possible to discuss contributing toward a general fund covering all expenses, or funding or otherwise supporting particular areas of my work.
What happens if I cannot fund my work?
If I can only partially fund my work, it means that my photo archive and research will become less comprehensive, with increasing gaps and longterm records weakened in their value. Part of the reason for my research is to catalogue and record crop circle related phenomena for future access and research, in a time when the importance of crop formations will be more fully realised than today. To provide for this, it is necessary to be thorough and comprehensive, since we do not know the data needs of future researchers, and gaps in the data can undermine studies of longer-term data.
If funding is severely cut, then I shall have to abandon aspects of my work in order to prioritise what is most important. It is difficult to judge what might or might not be needed in future, but if necessary this will have to be done. Hence that I seek funding now.
J W Lyons
I first met Lucy Pringle in 1991 when I was invited to become the scientific adviser to the newly formed Centre for Crop Circle Studies. It soon became apparent that Lucy’s main interest in the phenomenon was the influence of the ambient creating energies on living matter, particularly humans and other animals. This topic was entirely complementary to my own major interest in the Crop Circle forming process. We combined our activities at that point in time and have continued to work jointly since then.
Our collaborative projects are related to the influence of crop circle energy on conscious processes and hormonal changes in humans in particular. This complements my own investigations into the effects of crop biology changes and underlying earth energy patterns.
Our joint work is quite unique and even reflects on more profound topics in physics regarding the conscious nature of the self-organising Cosmos. Lucy’s remarkable photographs together with her unique results and authoring experience together with my own studies into subtle energies provide a very solid base for Lucy’s scientific investigations into the crop circles’ underlying processes.
J W Lyons, 10th March 2013.
David Greenwood
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in 2007 after developing a pronounced tremor in the left hand and a continuous pain in the lower left leg and foot. I had symptoms going back as far as 2001, when I began to notice involuntary movements occurring in my left leg and arm. I was at that time unable to accept or even consider that I might have an incurable disease. By 2007 I had to submit to the rapidly worsening pain and discomfort and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. I began treatment with prescribed medication, the taking of which soon manifested very strong side-effects.
In a newspaper article in 2010 on crop circles I noticed that a person who had entered one of the formations claimed to have been cured of a longstanding illness. I looked at the website of a leading researcher named Lucy Pringle who was very active in recording the crop formation phenomena. In July 2011 I was pleased to attend her Science Day in Avebury, when the opportunity might arise for me to enter into a freshly created formation. (I was sufficiently knowledgeable by then to know that the genuine phenomenal crop formations and not the board-and-string trampled efforts were the subject of Lucy Pringle’s work.)
On the Science Day I was immediately impressed by the intelligence, professionalism and organisational skills of Lucy Pringle. I found myself entering a formation described as ‘Nested Crescents’ and having my brainwave readings taken before entering the formation, whilst inside the circle and then again outside it. I had my own experience of walking into a kind of wall of static electricity and for a few hours I had forgotten about Parkinson’s Disease and was unaware of its symptoms.
Back home in Nottingham, Parkinson’s returned with all its mischievous tremors and pain. I was now however aware that there was an alternative that might provide a cure for Parkinson’s Disease. The work of Lucy Pringle is a matter of priority and I believe it should be supported and funded. It is an expensive business flying over the fields to photograph formations, to run a website and organise and acquaint the wider academic world with what is an opportunity to harness this healing source of energy.
David Greenwood, March 13th 2013
Palden Jenkins
As a crop circle researcher I have been aware of Lucy’s work and I have met her in the fields and at conferences over a twenty year period. What impresses me is her stalwart consistency and hard work over many years in carrying out her research, photography and public presentations. She is meticulous in fieldwork and record-keeping, and her lectures combine solid data with excellent photos and good, clear presentation. She is a woman of integrity who has beavered away over the years while others have come and gone, and she has provided other researchers and thinkers in the field, including me, with valuable evidence and working material.
This is her life’s work and I admire her commitment to it, especially since it contributes little to fame and fortune – a sign of real dedication during a time when the media, scientists and others have disregarded and sought to debunk and criticise the phenomenon and those who investigate it. She can be trusted to manage funding well and continue in this work, and this is an impression you will quickly gain if you meet her. This work, though undervalued today, will be important for the future. It is important to support her in continuing her efforts.
Palden Jenkins, 26th March 2013.