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May 2015- June 2015 - July 2015 - August 2015
Lucy is one of the world's leading crop circle photographers. Hers are among the best photographs available portraying the enigmatic crop circle mystery. Her photographs have been used in books, magazines and television programs throughout the world. She is also a leading researcher, author and lecturer on the subject.
Prices of crop circle photographs and ordering information
Fox Ground Down, Nr Blandford Forum. May 30th 2015.
Images copyright © Lucy Pringle
Manton Drove, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. 24 May 2015
Manton Drove, Nr. Marlborough, Wiltshire. 24 May 2015.
A central flattened circle surrounded by a tracery of fine lines depicting triangles with an outer set of 13 lozenge shapes. The tips touching a circular line; all within an outer circle with four outer circles bisected by the outer circular line.
Wheat. c. 90ft diameter.
Images copyright © Mr Gyro
Manton Drove, Nr. Marlborough, Wiltshire. 24 May 2015.
A central flattened circle surrounded by a tracery of fine lines depicting triangles with an outer set of 13 lozenge shapes. The tips touching a circular line; all within an outer circle with four outer circles bisected by the outer circular line.
Wheat. c. 90ft diameter.
Images copyright © Mr Gyro
Images copyright © Mr Gyro
Alton Priors, Wiltshire - 1st May 2015. Rose type circle. Oilseed Rape (Canola) 90ft (27.7 m) in diameter
Man-made and commissioned for Ancient Aliens programme produced by Prometheus to replicate crop circle originally formed at Golden Ball Hill, nr Alton Barnes.
Images copyright © Lucy Pringle