The latest crop circle photographs from the UK
May 2023 - June 2023 - July 2023 - August 2023
Helicopter flights and crop circle tours.
Prices of crop circle photographs and ordering information
Wayland's Smithy, near Ashbury, Oxfordshire.
Two concentric circles containing three equally spaced smaller circles. The smaller circles touch the outer circle and their centres appear to be on the perimeter of the central circle.The three small circles are linked so as to imply a hexagon at the centre of the whole formation.
Reported 4th August 2023
Wheat c. 120 feet (36.5m)
Images Hugh Newman Copyright © 2023
Hugh Newman also writes:
A remarkable crop circle has been reported (on 4th August) which was once the symbol of 'The Circular' magazine published by the 'Centre for Crop Circle Studies', an organization founded by the late Michael Green in 1990. It is located next to Wayland's Smithy Long Barrow near the Uffington White Horse in Oxfordshire. When we visited on Sunday, police had blocked the road as a rave was being closed down (at 3pm) from the party the night before that took place in the woods on the other side of the Ridgeway!
Also, a book by Michael Green has been recently published posthumously: Great-Turning- Circles-Message-Humanity
Also, a book by Michael Green has been recently published posthumously: Great-Turning-